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Notre Dojo...

Ou sommes nous....

Notre Dojo se trouve 16 bis Blv de reuilly à Paris 12 ème; le guide photos arrive très prochainement!

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  • Jacqueline T.
    • 1. Jacqueline T. Le 16/09/2020
    Le Shotokan Karate-Do est un art martial asiatique répandu à travers le monde. Vu l'ampleur que prennent les paris sportifs, cette discipline est aussi dans l'angle de mire des sites de paris en ligne. Ces sites offrent des bonus pour les nouveaux inscrits afin de leur permettre d'effectuer les premiers paris.
  • Michael Larkin
    The members of the Shotokan Karate-do Dojo, Philadelphia, Pa., USA, congratulate the Sensei, Yudansha and Kohai of USMT Karate upon the launch of their website.
    I feel that I've come to know you through my communication with Lehmann Sensei.
    Thanks to each of you, our sisters and brothers in Budo, for your friendship and support of international Shotokan Karate-do.
    Lehmann Sensei, I appreciate your friendship and fellowship. Merci.

    Regarding your website, my French is horrible but our Shotokan is fluent.
    You did a great job of putting out your information.
    Everything works well and looks fantastic.
    Very nice work.

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